

各國語中不可翻譯的詞語都有哪些? 當前位置:首頁 >  翻譯資訊



??1.abbiocco (Italian)


??noun: that sleepy feeling you get after a big meal


??Everyone has succumbed to drowsiness after a meal at one time or another, but only the Italians have enshrined the phenomenon in a single word. When you wish you could take a nap after lunch, you’re “having the abbiocco” (avere l’abbiocco).


??2.desenrascan?o (Portuguese)


??noun: the ability to improvise a quick solution


??Desenrascan?o is the M.O. of any high-functioning procrastinator. Not only does it mean to solve a problem or complete a task, it means doing so with a completely improvised solution.


??3.hyggelig (Danish)


??adj: comfy, cozy; intimate; contented


??Do you ever wish there was one word to combine everything snuggly, safe, friendly and caring? The Danes have you covered with hyggelig. The word is used so often in daily life that many Danes consider it part of the national character.


??4.sobremesa (Spanish)


??noun: after-lunch conversation around the table


??The Spanish are known for enjoying long meals together, but eating isn’t just about food. When you stay at the table after lunch in order to savor a final course of stimulating conversation, you are indulging in sobremesa.


??5.utepils (Norwegian)


??noun: a beer you drink outside


??Norwegians must endure a long, dark winter before they can enjoy the brilliant, but brief, summer. So a beer that you can drink outside, while absorbing the sun’s glorious rays, is not just any old beer.


??6.verschlimmbessern (German)


??verb: to make something worse when trying to improve it


??We’ve all done this before: by trying to fix a small problem we create a bigger problem. Perhaps you tried to repair a flat tire on your bike, and now the wheel won’t turn? Or after reinstalling Windows your laptop freezes every time you boot up? Oh no, don’t tell me you tried to fix that bad haircut yourself!


??7.yakamoz (Turkish)

??yakamoz (土耳其語)

??noun: the reflection of moonlight on water


??No matter which language you speak, from time to time you probably admire the moon’s reflection on a body of water. But unless you’re Turkish it’s impossible to describe this beauty with a single word.



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